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Method: account.updateConnectedBot

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Connect a business bot » to the current account, or to change the current connection settings.


can_replyBoolWhether the bot can reply to messages it receives from us, on behalf of us using the business connection.Optional
deletedBoolWhether to fully disconnect the bot from the current account.Optional
botUsername, chat ID, Update, Message or InputUserThe bot to connect or disconnectOptional
recipientsInputBusinessBotRecipientsConfiguration for the business connectionYes

Return type: Updates

Can userbots use this method: YES

Can bots use this method: NO

MadelineProto Example (now async for huge speed and parallelism!):

if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) {
    copy('', 'madeline.php');
include 'madeline.php';

$MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline');

$Updates = $MadelineProto->account->updateConnectedBot(can_reply: $Bool, deleted: $Bool, bot: $InputUser, recipients: $InputBusinessBotRecipients, );