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Getting info about chats

There are various methods that can be used to fetch info about chats, based on bot API id, Peer, User, Chat objects.


$pwr_chat = $MadelineProto->getPwrChat(-100214891824);
foreach ($pwr_chat['participants'] as $participant) {

Use getPwrChat to get full chat info, including the full list of members, see here for the parameters and the result.

Please avoid using this method if possible, use getInfo or at least getFullInfo to avoid flood waits.

  • Speed: slow
  • Caching: partial


$full_chat = $MadelineProto->getFullInfo(-10028941842);

You can use getFullInfo to get full chat info, without the full list of members, see here for the parameters and the result.

Please avoid using this method if possible, use getInfo to avoid flood waits.

  • Speed: medium-fast
  • Caching: partial, and an initial RPC query is always made, so please use getInfo if possible to avoid flood waits.


$chat = $MadelineProto->getInfo(-10028941842);

You can use getInfo to get chat info, see here for the parameters and the result

  • Speed: fast
  • Caching: full, 0 RPC queries are made unless an unknown username is passed.


$id = $MadelineProto->getID($update);

You can also use getId to get chat ID from updates, messages and other objects.

  • Speed: very fast
  • Caching: full, 0 RPC queries are made unless an unknown username is passed.

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