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Author: Daniil Gentili

Represents an incoming or outgoing channel message.


  • $message: string Content of the message
  • $fwdInfo: ?danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\ForwardedInfo Info about a forwarded message
  • $command: ?string Bot command (if present)
  • $commandType: ?danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\CommandType Bot command type (if present)
  • $commandArgs: list<string> Bot command arguments (if present)
  • $protected: bool Whether this message is protected
  • $matches: list<string> Regex matches, if a filter regex is present
  • $matchesAll: array<array-key, (array<array-key, (list{string, int} | null | string)> | mixed)> Regex matches, if a filter multiple match regex is present
  • $media: (danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Audio | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Document | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\DocumentPhoto | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Gif | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\MaskSticker | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Photo | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\RoundVideo | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Sticker | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Video | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media\Voice | null) Attached media.
  • $fromScheduled: bool Whether this message is a sent scheduled message
  • $viaBotId: ?int If the message was generated by an inline query, ID of the bot that generated it
  • $editDate: ?int Last edit date of the message
  • $editHide: bool Indicates if the post has a hidden edit, which is an edit that does not modify the actual message content. Used to signify non-content related updates such as reactions.
  • $keyboard: (danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Keyboard\InlineKeyboard | danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Keyboard\ReplyKeyboard | null) Inline or reply keyboard.
  • $imported: bool Whether this message was imported from a foreign chat service
  • $psaType: ?string For Public Service Announcement messages, the PSA type
  • $nextSent: ?self
  • $views: ?int View counter for messages from channels or forwarded from channels
  • $forwards: ?int Forward counter for messages from channels or forwarded from channels
  • $signature: ?string Author of the post, if signatures are enabled for messages from channels or forwarded from channels
  • $entities: list<MessageEntity> Message entities for styled text
  • $groupedId: ?int Group ID for albums.

All messages associated to the same album will have an identical grouped ID.

  • $poll: ?danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\AbstractPoll The poll
  • $scheduled: bool Whether this message is a scheduled message
  • $id: int Message ID
  • $out: bool Whether the message is outgoing
  • $chatId: int ID of the chat where the message was sent
  • $senderId: int ID of the sender of the message
  • $replyToMsgId: ?int ID of the message to which this message is replying
  • $date: int When was the message sent
  • $topicId: ?int ID of the forum topic where the message was sent
  • $threadId: ?int ID of the message thread where the message was sent
  • $replyToScheduled: bool Whether this is a reply to a scheduled message
  • $mentioned: bool Whether we were mentioned in this message
  • $silent: bool Whether this message was sent without any notification (silently)
  • $ttlPeriod: ?int Time-to-live of the message

Method list:


getDiscussion(): ?\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message\GroupMessage

Obtains the copy of the current message, that was sent to the linked group.

Can be used to reply in the comment section, for example:

php $update->getDiscussion()->reply("Comment");

See also:

disableSignatures(): void

Disable message signatures in channels.

enableSignatures(): void

Enable message signatures in channels.

getMember((string|integer) $member): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Participant

Get info about a channel/supergroup participant.


  • $member: (string|integer) Participant to get info about.

See also:

view(): void

Increase the view counter of a current message in the channel.

hideHistory(): void

Hide message history for new channel users.

unhideHistory(): void

Unhide message history for new channel users.

enableProtection(): void

Enable content protection on a channel.

disableProtection(): void

Disable content protection on a channel.

pin(bool $pmOneside = false, bool $silent = false): void

Pin a message.


  • $pmOneside: bool Whether the message should only be pinned on the local side of a one-to-one chat
  • $silent: bool Pin the message silently, without triggering a notification

unpin(bool $pmOneside = false, bool $silent = false): ?\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Update

Unpin a message.


  • $pmOneside: bool Whether the message should only be pinned on the local side of a one-to-one chat
  • $silent: bool Pin the message silently, without triggering a notification

See also:

getOurReactions(): list<(string|int)>

Get our reactions on the message.

report(\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message\ReportReason $reason, string $message): bool

Report a message in a chat for violation of telegram’s Terms of Service.


  • $reason: \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message\ReportReason Why are these messages being reported
  • $message: string Comment for report moderation

See also:

saveContact(string $firstName, (string|null) $lastName = NULL, (string|null) $phoneNumber = NULL, bool $addPhonePrivacyException = false): void

Save message sender to your account contacts.


  • $firstName: string First name
  • $lastName: (string|null) Last name
  • $phoneNumber: (string|null) Telegram ID of the other user
  • $addPhonePrivacyException: bool Allow the other user to see our phone number?

removeContact(): void

Remove message sender from your account contacts.

inviteToChannel((string|int) $channel): void

Invite message sender to requested channel.


  • $channel: (string|int) Username, Channel ID

addReaction((string|int) $reaction, bool $big = false, bool $addToRecent = true): list<(string|int)>

Add reaction to message.


  • $reaction: (string|int) reaction
  • $big: bool Whether a bigger and longer reaction should be shown
  • $addToRecent: bool Add this reaction to the recent reactions list.

delReaction((string|int) $reaction): list<(string|int)>

Delete reaction from message.


  • $reaction: (string|int) string or int Reaction

translate(string $toLang): string

Translate text message(for media translate it caption).


  • $toLang: string Two-letter ISO 639-1 language code of the language to which the message is translated

editText(string $message, \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (int|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, bool $noWebpage = false): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Edit message text.


  • $message: string New message
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Whether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the message
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Reply markup for inline keyboards
  • $scheduleDate: (int|null) Scheduled message date for scheduled messages
  • $noWebpage: bool Disable webpage preview

See also:

editReplyMarkup(array $replyMarkup): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Edit message keyboard.


  • $replyMarkup: array Reply markup for inline keyboards

replyOrEdit(string $message, \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (int|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, bool $noWebpage = false): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

If the message is outgoing, will edit the message’s text, otherwise will reply to the message.


  • $message: string New message
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Whether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the message
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Reply markup for inline keyboards
  • $scheduleDate: (int|null) Scheduled message date for scheduled messages
  • $noWebpage: bool Disable webpage preview

See also:

forward((integer|string) $peer, list<int> $id = [], bool $dropAuthor = false, bool $dropCaption = false, int $topicId = 1, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $score = false, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL): non-empty-list<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message>

Forwards messages by their IDs.


  • $peer: (integer|string) Destination peer
  • $id: list<int> IDs of messages
  • $dropAuthor: bool Whether to forward messages without quoting the original author
  • $dropCaption: bool Whether to strip captions from media
  • $topicId: int Destination forum topic
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Only for bots, disallows further re-forwarding and saving of the messages, even if the destination chat doesn’t have content protection enabled
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $score: boolean When forwarding games, whether to include your score in the game
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.

See also:

  • non-empty-list

getHTML(bool $allowTelegramTags = false): string

Get an HTML version of the message.


  • $allowTelegramTags: bool Whether to allow telegram-specific tags like tg-spoiler, tg-emoji, mention links and so on…

isReply(): bool

Check if the current message replies to another message.

getReply(class-string<T> $class = 'danog\\MadelineProto\\EventHandler\\AbstractMessage'): ?T

Get replied-to message.

May return null if the replied-to message was deleted or if the message does not reply to any other message.


  • $class: class-string<T> Only return a reply if it is of the specified type, return null otherwise.

delete(boolean $revoke = true): void

Delete the message.


  • $revoke: boolean Whether to delete the message for all participants of the chat.

reply(string $message, \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $noWebpage = false, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $updateStickersetsOrder = false, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply to the message.


  • $message: string Message to send
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Parse mode
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $noWebpage: boolean Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Only for bots, disallows further re-forwarding and saving of the messages, even if the destination chat doesn’t have content protection enabled
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $updateStickersetsOrder: boolean Whether to move used stickersets to top
  • $cancellation: ?\Amp\Cancellation

See also:

replyDocument((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) $thumb = NULL, string $caption = '', \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, ?string $mimeType = NULL, ?int $ttl = NULL, bool $spoiler = false, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, bool $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $updateStickersetsOrder = false, boolean $forceResend = false, \Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply a document.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $thumb: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) Optional: Thumbnail to upload
  • $caption: string Caption of document
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Text parse mode for the caption
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $mimeType: ?string
  • $ttl: ?int
  • $spoiler: bool
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: bool
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $updateStickersetsOrder: boolean Whether to move used stickersets to top
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $cancellation: \Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

replyVideo((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) $thumb = NULL, string $caption = '', \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, string $mimeType = 'video/mp4', (integer|null) $ttl = NULL, boolean $spoiler = false, boolean $roundMessage = false, boolean $supportsStreaming = true, boolean $noSound = false, (integer|null) $duration = NULL, (integer|null) $width = NULL, (integer|null) $height = NULL, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $forceResend = false, bool $updateStickersetsOrder = false, \Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply a video.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $thumb: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) Optional: Thumbnail to upload
  • $caption: string Caption of document
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Text parse mode for the caption
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $mimeType: string
  • $ttl: (integer|null) Time to live
  • $spoiler: boolean Whether the message is a spoiler
  • $roundMessage: boolean Whether the message should be round
  • $supportsStreaming: boolean Whether the video supports streaming
  • $noSound: boolean Whether the video has no sound
  • $duration: (integer|null) Duration of the video
  • $width: (integer|null) Width of the video
  • $height: (integer|null) Height of the video
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Whether to disable forwards for this message.
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $updateStickersetsOrder: bool
  • $cancellation: \Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

replyGif((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) $thumb = NULL, string $caption = '', \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, (integer|null) $ttl = NULL, boolean $spoiler = false, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $forceResend = false, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply a gif.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $thumb: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) Optional: Thumbnail to upload
  • $caption: string Caption of document
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Text parse mode for the caption
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $ttl: (integer|null) Time to live
  • $spoiler: boolean Whether the message is a spoiler
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Whether to disable forwards for this message.
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $cancellation: ?\Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

replyAudio((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) $thumb = NULL, string $caption = '', \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, ?string $mimeType = NULL, (integer|null) $duration = NULL, (string|null) $title = NULL, (string|null) $performer = NULL, ?int $ttl = NULL, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $forceResend = false, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply an audio.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $thumb: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream|null) Optional: Thumbnail to upload
  • $caption: string Caption of document
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Text parse mode for the caption
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $mimeType: ?string
  • $duration: (integer|null) Duration of the audio
  • $title: (string|null) Title of the audio
  • $performer: (string|null) Performer of the audio
  • $ttl: ?int
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Whether to disable forwards for this message.
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $cancellation: ?\Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

replyVoice((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, string $caption = '', \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, (integer|null) $ttl = NULL, (integer|null) $duration = NULL, (array|null) $waveform = NULL, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $forceResend = false, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply a voice.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $caption: string Caption of document
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Text parse mode for the caption
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $ttl: (integer|null) Time to live
  • $duration: (integer|null) Duration of the voice
  • $waveform: (array|null) Waveform of the voice
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Whether to disable forwards for this message.
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $cancellation: ?\Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

replyPhoto((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, string $caption = '', \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, ?int $ttl = NULL, bool $spoiler = false, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, bool $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $updateStickersetsOrder = false, boolean $forceResend = false, \Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply a photo.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $caption: string Caption of document
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Text parse mode for the caption
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $ttl: ?int
  • $spoiler: bool
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: bool
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $updateStickersetsOrder: boolean Whether to move used stickersets to top
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $cancellation: \Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

replySticker((\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) $file, string $mimeType, string $emoji = '', ?callable $callback = NULL, ?string $fileName = NULL, ?int $ttl = NULL, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $updateStickersetsOrder = false, boolean $forceResend = false, \Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Reply a sticker.

Please use named arguments to call this method.


  • $file: (\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message|\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Media|\danog\MadelineProto\LocalFile|\danog\MadelineProto\RemoteUrl|\danog\MadelineProto\BotApiFileId|\Amp\ByteStream\ReadableStream) File to upload: can be a message to reuse media present in a message.
  • $mimeType: string
  • $emoji: string
  • $callback: ?callable
  • $fileName: ?string Optional file name, if absent will be extracted from the passed $file.
  • $ttl: ?int
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Whether to disable forwards for this message.
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $updateStickersetsOrder: boolean Whether to move used stickersets to top
  • $forceResend: boolean Whether to forcefully resend the file, even if its type and name are the same.
  • $cancellation: \Amp\Cancellation Cancellation.

See also:

sendText(string $message, \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode $parseMode = \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode::TEXT, (array|null) $replyMarkup = NULL, (integer|string|null) $sendAs = NULL, (integer|null) $scheduleDate = NULL, boolean $noWebpage = false, boolean $silent = false, boolean $noForwards = false, boolean $background = false, boolean $clearDraft = false, boolean $updateStickersetsOrder = false, ?\Amp\Cancellation $cancellation = NULL): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message

Send a text message.


  • $message: string Message to send
  • $parseMode: \danog\MadelineProto\ParseMode Parse mode
  • $replyMarkup: (array|null) Keyboard information.
  • $sendAs: (integer|string|null) Peer to send the message as.
  • $scheduleDate: (integer|null) Schedule date.
  • $noWebpage: boolean Set this flag to disable generation of the webpage preview
  • $silent: boolean Whether to send the message silently, without triggering notifications.
  • $noForwards: boolean Only for bots, disallows further re-forwarding and saving of the messages, even if the destination chat doesn’t have content protection enabled
  • $background: boolean Send this message as background message
  • $clearDraft: boolean Clears the draft field
  • $updateStickersetsOrder: boolean Whether to move used stickersets to top
  • $cancellation: ?\Amp\Cancellation

See also:

block(): bool

Adds the user to the blacklist.

unblock(): bool

Deletes the user from the blacklist.

getStories(): list<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\AbstractStory>

Get user stories.

See also:

setAction(\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Action $action = \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Action\Typing::__set_state(array(]]): bool

Sends a current user typing event (see SendMessageAction for all event types) to a conversation partner or group.


  • $action: \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Action

See also:

read(bool $readAll = false): boolean

Mark selected message as read.


  • $readAll: bool

Return value: if set, read all messages in current chat.

enableTTL(int<1, max> $seconds = 86400): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message\Service\DialogSetTTL

Set maximum Time-To-Live of all messages in the specified chat.


  • $seconds: int<1, max> Automatically delete all messages sent in the chat after this many seconds

See also:

disableTTL(): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler\Message\Service\DialogSetTTL

Disable Time-To-Live of all messages in the specified chat.

See also:

enableAutoTranslate(): bool

Show the real-time chat translation popup for a certain chat.

disableAutoTranslate(): bool

Hide the real-time chat translation popup for a certain chat.

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