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Method: help.setBotUpdatesStatus

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Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven’t been processed for a long time; for bots only


pending_updates_countintNumber of pending updatesOptional
messagestringError message, if presentOptional

Return type: Bool

Can userbots use this method: YES

Can bots use this method: YES

MadelineProto Example (now async for huge speed and parallelism!):

if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) {
    copy('', 'madeline.php');
include 'madeline.php';

$MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline');

$Bool = $MadelineProto->help->setBotUpdatesStatus(pending_updates_count: $int, message: 'string', );

Return value

If the length of the provided message is bigger than 4096, the message will be split in chunks and the method will be called multiple times, with the same parameters (except for the message), and an array of Bool will be returned instead.