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Constructor: userFull

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Extended user info


blockedBoolOptionalWhether you have blocked this user
phone_calls_availableBoolOptionalWhether this user can make VoIP calls
phone_calls_privateBoolOptionalWhether this user’s privacy settings allow you to call them
can_pin_messageBoolOptionalWhether you can pin messages in the chat with this user, you can do this only for a chat with yourself
has_scheduledBoolOptionalWhether scheduled messages are available
video_calls_availableBoolOptionalWhether the user can receive video calls
voice_messages_forbiddenBoolOptionalWhether this user doesn’t allow sending voice messages in a private chat with them
translations_disabledBoolOptionalWhether the real-time chat translation popup should be hidden.
stories_pinned_availableBoolOptionalWhether this user has some pinned stories.
blocked_my_stories_fromBoolOptionalWhether we’ve blocked this user, preventing them from seeing our stories ».
wallpaper_overriddenBoolOptionalWhether the other user has chosen a custom wallpaper for us using messages.setChatWallPaper and the for_both flag, see here » for more info.
idlongYesUser ID
aboutstringOptionalBio of the user
settingsPeerSettingsYesPeer settings
personal_photoPhotoOptionalPersonal profile photo, to be shown instead of profile_photo.
profile_photoPhotoOptionalProfile photo
fallback_photoPhotoOptionalFallback profile photo, displayed if no photo is present in profile_photo or personal_photo, due to privacy settings.
notify_settingsPeerNotifySettingsYesNotification settings
bot_infoBotInfoOptionalFor bots, info about the bot (bot commands, etc)
pinned_msg_idintOptionalMessage ID of the last pinned message
common_chats_countintYesChats in common with this user
folder_idintOptionalPeer folder ID, for more info click here
ttl_periodintOptionalTime To Live of all messages in this chat; once a message is this many seconds old, it must be deleted.
theme_emoticonstringOptionalEmoji associated with chat theme
private_forward_namestringOptionalAnonymized text to be shown instead of the user’s name on forwarded messages
bot_group_admin_rightsChatAdminRightsOptionalA suggested set of administrator rights for the bot, to be shown when adding the bot as admin to a group, see here for more info on how to handle them ».
bot_broadcast_admin_rightsChatAdminRightsOptionalA suggested set of administrator rights for the bot, to be shown when adding the bot as admin to a channel, see here for more info on how to handle them ».
premium_giftsArray of PremiumGiftOptionOptionalTelegram Premium subscriptions gift options
wallpaperWallPaperOptionalWallpaper to use in the private chat with the user.
storiesPeerStoriesOptionalActive stories »

Type: UserFull


$userFull = ['_' => 'userFull', 'blocked' => Bool, 'phone_calls_available' => Bool, 'phone_calls_private' => Bool, 'can_pin_message' => Bool, 'has_scheduled' => Bool, 'video_calls_available' => Bool, 'voice_messages_forbidden' => Bool, 'translations_disabled' => Bool, 'stories_pinned_available' => Bool, 'blocked_my_stories_from' => Bool, 'wallpaper_overridden' => Bool, 'contact_require_premium' => Bool, 'read_dates_private' => Bool, 'sponsored_enabled' => Bool, 'can_view_revenue' => Bool, 'bot_can_manage_emoji_status' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'about' => 'string', 'settings' => PeerSettings, 'personal_photo' => Photo, 'profile_photo' => Photo, 'fallback_photo' => Photo, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, 'bot_info' => BotInfo, 'pinned_msg_id' => int, 'common_chats_count' => int, 'folder_id' => int, 'ttl_period' => int, 'theme_emoticon' => 'string', 'private_forward_name' => 'string', 'bot_group_admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, 'bot_broadcast_admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, 'premium_gifts' => [PremiumGiftOption, PremiumGiftOption], 'wallpaper' => WallPaper, 'stories' => PeerStories, 'business_work_hours' => BusinessWorkHours, 'business_location' => BusinessLocation, 'business_greeting_message' => BusinessGreetingMessage, 'business_away_message' => BusinessAwayMessage, 'business_intro' => BusinessIntro, 'birthday' => Birthday, 'personal_channel_id' => long, 'personal_channel_message' => int, 'stargifts_count' => int, 'starref_program' => StarRefProgram, 'bot_verification' => BotVerification];