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Constructor: messageFwdHeader

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Info about a forwarded message


importedBoolOptionalWhether this message was imported from a foreign chat service, click here for more info »
saved_outBoolOptionalOnly for messages forwarded to saved messages », set if the original message was outgoing (though the message may have been originally outgoing even if this flag is not set, if from_id points to the current user).
from_idPeerOptionalThe ID of the user that originally sent the message
from_namestringOptionalThe name of the user that originally sent the message
dateintYesWhen was the message originally sent
channel_postintOptionalID of the channel message that was forwarded
post_authorstringOptionalFor channels and if signatures are enabled, author of the channel message
saved_from_peerPeerOptionalOnly for messages forwarded to saved messages », contains the dialog where the message was originally sent.
saved_from_msg_idintOptionalOnly for messages forwarded to saved messages », contains the original ID of the message in saved_from_peer.
saved_from_idPeerOptionalOnly for forwarded messages reforwarded to saved messages », contains the sender of the original message (i.e. if user A sends a message, then user B forwards it somewhere, then user C saves it to saved messages, this field will contain the ID of user B and from_id will contain the ID of user A).
saved_from_namestringOptionalOnly for forwarded messages from users with forward privacy enabled, sent by users with forward privacy enabled, reforwarded to saved messages », contains the sender of the original message (i.e. if user A (fwd privacy enabled) sends a message, then user B (fwd privacy enabled) forwards it somewhere, then user C saves it to saved messages, this field will contain the name of user B and from_name will contain the name of user A).
saved_dateintOptionalOnly for forwarded messages reforwarded to saved messages », indicates when was the original message sent (i.e. if user A sends a message @ unixtime 1, then user B forwards it somewhere @ unixtime 2, then user C saves it to saved messages @ unixtime 3, this field will contain 2, date will contain 1 and the date of the containing message will contain 3).
psa_typestringOptionalPSA type

Type: MessageFwdHeader


$messageFwdHeader = ['_' => 'messageFwdHeader', 'imported' => Bool, 'saved_out' => Bool, 'from_id' => Peer, 'from_name' => 'string', 'date' => int, 'channel_post' => int, 'post_author' => 'string', 'saved_from_peer' => Peer, 'saved_from_msg_id' => int, 'saved_from_id' => Peer, 'saved_from_name' => 'string', 'saved_date' => int, 'psa_type' => 'string'];