Constructor: chatFull
Full info about a basic group.
When updating the local peer database », all fields from the newly received constructor take priority over the old constructor cached locally (including by removing fields that aren’t set in the new constructor).
Name | Type | Required | Description |
can_set_username | Bool | Optional | Can we change the username of this chat |
has_scheduled | Bool | Optional | Whether scheduled messages are available |
translations_disabled | Bool | Optional | Whether the real-time chat translation popup should be hidden. |
id | long | Yes | ID of the chat |
about | string | Yes | About string for this chat |
participants | ChatParticipants | Yes | Participant list |
chat_photo | Photo | Optional | Chat photo |
notify_settings | PeerNotifySettings | Yes | Notification settings |
exported_invite | ExportedChatInvite | Optional | Chat invite |
bot_info | Array of BotInfo | Optional | Info about bots that are in this chat |
pinned_msg_id | int | Optional | Message ID of the last pinned message |
folder_id | int | Optional | Peer folder ID, for more info click here |
call | InputGroupCall | Optional | Group call information |
ttl_period | int | Optional | Time-To-Live of messages sent by the current user to this chat |
groupcall_default_join_as | Peer | Optional | When using phone.getGroupCallJoinAs to get a list of peers that can be used to join a group call, this field indicates the peer that should be selected by default. |
theme_emoticon | string | Optional | Emoji representing a specific chat theme |
requests_pending | int | Optional | Pending join requests » |
recent_requesters | Array of long | Optional | IDs of users who requested to join recently |
available_reactions | ChatReactions | Optional | Allowed message reactions » |
reactions_limit | int | Optional | This flag may be used to impose a custom limit of unique reactions (i.e. a customizable version of appConfig.reactions_uniq_max). |
Type: ChatFull
$chatFull = ['_' => 'chatFull', 'can_set_username' => Bool, 'has_scheduled' => Bool, 'translations_disabled' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'about' => 'string', 'participants' => ChatParticipants, 'chat_photo' => Photo, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, 'exported_invite' => ExportedChatInvite, 'bot_info' => [BotInfo, BotInfo], 'pinned_msg_id' => int, 'folder_id' => int, 'call' => InputGroupCall, 'ttl_period' => int, 'groupcall_default_join_as' => Peer, 'theme_emoticon' => 'string', 'requests_pending' => int, 'recent_requesters' => [long, long], 'available_reactions' => ChatReactions, 'reactions_limit' => int];