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Method: stats.getBroadcastRevenueTransactions

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Fetch channel ad revenue transaction history ».


peerUsername, chat ID, Update, Message or InputPeerGet ad revenue transactions for the specified channel or botOptional
offsetintOffset for paginationOptional
limitintMaximum number of results to return, see paginationOptional

Return type: stats.BroadcastRevenueTransactions

Can userbots use this method: YES

Can bots use this method: NO

MadelineProto Example (now async for huge speed and parallelism!):

if (!file_exists('madeline.php')) {
    copy('', 'madeline.php');
include 'madeline.php';

$MadelineProto = new \danog\MadelineProto\API('session.madeline');

$stats_BroadcastRevenueTransactions = $MadelineProto->stats->getBroadcastRevenueTransactions(peer: $InputPeer, offset: $int, limit: $int, );