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Constructor: storyItem

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Represents a story.


pinnedBoolOptionalWhether this story is pinned on the user’s profile
publicBoolOptionalWhether this story is public and can be viewed by everyone
close_friendsBoolOptionalWhether this story can only be viewed by our close friends, see here ยป for more info
minBoolOptionalFull information about this story was omitted for space and performance reasons; use stories.getStoriesByID to fetch full info about this story when and if needed.
noforwardsBoolOptionalWhether this story is protected and thus cannot be forwarded; clients should also prevent users from saving attached media (i.e. videos should only be streamed, photos should be kept in RAM, et cetera).
editedBoolOptionalIndicates whether the story was edited.
contactsBoolOptionalWhether this story can only be viewed by our contacts
selected_contactsBoolOptionalWhether this story can only be viewed by a select list of our contacts
outBoolOptionalindicates whether we sent this story.
idintYesID of the story.
dateintYesWhen was the story posted.
from_idPeerOptionalSender of the story.
fwd_fromStoryFwdHeaderOptionalFor reposted stories ยป, contains info about the original story.
expire_dateintYesWhen does the story expire.
captionstringOptionalStory caption.
entitiesArray of MessageEntityOptionalMessage entities for styled text
parse_modestringWhether to parse HTML or Markdown markup in the messageOptional
mediaMessageMediaOptionalStory media.
media_areasArray of MediaAreaOptionalList of media areas, see here ยป for more info on media areas.
privacyArray of PrivacyRuleOptionalPrivacy rules indicating who can and can’t view this story
viewsStoryViewsOptionalView date and reaction information
sent_reactionReactionOptionalThe reaction we sent.

Type: StoryItem

Usage of parse_mode:

Set parse_mode to html to enable HTML parsing of the message.

Set parse_mode to Markdown to enable markdown parsing of the message.

The following tags are currently supported:

<br>a newline
<b><i>bold works ok, internal tags are stripped</i> </b>
<code>inline fixed-width code</code>
<pre>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</pre>
<blockquote>pre-formatted fixed-width code block</blockquote>
<a href="">URL</a>
<a href="mention:@danogentili">Mention by username</a>
<a href="mention:186785362">Mention by user id</a>
<a href="tg://user?id=186785362">Mention by user id</a>
Custom emoji: <emoji id="5368324170671202286">๐Ÿ‘</emoji>
Custom emoji: <tg-emoji emoji-id="5368324170671202286">๐Ÿ‘</tg-emoji>
<pre language="json">Pre tags can have a language attribute</pre>

You can also use normal markdown (bot API MarkdownV2 syntax), note that to create mentions you can also use the mention: syntax like in html:

*bold \*text*
_italic \*text_
*bold _italic bold ~italic bold strikethrough ||italic bold strikethrough spoiler||~ __underline italic bold___ bold*
[inline URL](
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=123456789)
\`inline fixed-width code\`
pre-formatted fixed-width code block
pre-formatted fixed-width code block written in the PHP programming language

[Mention by username](mention:@danogentili)
[Mention by user id](mention:186785362)
[Mention by user id](tg://user?id=186785362)


$storyItem = ['_' => 'storyItem', 'pinned' => Bool, 'public' => Bool, 'close_friends' => Bool, 'min' => Bool, 'noforwards' => Bool, 'edited' => Bool, 'contacts' => Bool, 'selected_contacts' => Bool, 'out' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'date' => int, 'from_id' => Peer, 'fwd_from' => StoryFwdHeader, 'expire_date' => int, 'caption' => 'string', 'entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity]parse_mode: 'string', , 'media' => MessageMedia, 'media_areas' => [MediaArea, MediaArea], 'privacy' => [PrivacyRule, PrivacyRule], 'views' => StoryViews, 'sent_reaction' => Reaction];