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Constructor: stories.storyViewsList

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Reaction and view counters for a story


countintYesTotal number of results that can be fetched
views_countintYesTotal number of story views
forwards_countintYesTotal number of story forwards/reposts
reactions_countintYesNumber of reactions that were added to the story
viewsArray of StoryViewYesStory view date and reaction information
chatsArray of ChatYesMentioned chats
usersArray of UserYesMentioned users
next_offsetstringOptionalOffset for pagination

Type: stories.StoryViewsList


$stories_storyViewsList = ['_' => 'stories.storyViewsList', 'count' => int, 'views_count' => int, 'forwards_count' => int, 'reactions_count' => int, 'views' => [StoryView, StoryView], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User], 'next_offset' => 'string'];