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Constructor: stickerSet

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Represents a stickerset (stickerpack)


archivedBoolOptionalWhether this stickerset was archived (due to too many saved stickers in the current account)
officialBoolOptionalIs this stickerset official
masksBoolOptionalIs this a mask stickerset
emojisBoolOptionalThis is a custom emoji stickerset
text_colorBoolOptionalWhether the color of this TGS custom emoji stickerset should be changed to the text color when used in messages, the accent color if used as emoji status, white on chat photos, or another appropriate color based on context.
channel_emoji_statusBoolOptionalIf set, this custom emoji stickerset can be used in channel/supergroup emoji statuses.
creatorBoolOptionalWhether we created this stickerset
installed_dateintOptionalWhen was this stickerset installed
idlongYesID of the stickerset
access_hashlongYesAccess hash of stickerset
titlestringYesTitle of stickerset
short_namestringYesShort name of stickerset, used when sharing stickerset using stickerset deep links.
thumbsArray of PhotoSizeOptionalStickerset thumbnail
thumb_dc_idintOptionalDC ID of thumbnail
thumb_versionintOptionalThumbnail version
thumb_document_idlongOptionalDocument ID of custom emoji thumbnail, fetch the document using messages.getCustomEmojiDocuments
countintYesNumber of stickers in pack

Type: StickerSet


$stickerSet = ['_' => 'stickerSet', 'archived' => Bool, 'official' => Bool, 'masks' => Bool, 'emojis' => Bool, 'text_color' => Bool, 'channel_emoji_status' => Bool, 'creator' => Bool, 'installed_date' => int, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'title' => 'string', 'short_name' => 'string', 'thumbs' => [PhotoSize, PhotoSize], 'thumb_dc_id' => int, 'thumb_version' => int, 'thumb_document_id' => long, 'count' => int, 'hash' => int];