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Constructor: poll

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idlongYesID of the poll
closedBoolOptionalWhether the poll is closed and doesn’t accept any more answers
public_votersBoolOptionalWhether cast votes are publicly visible to all users (non-anonymous poll)
multiple_choiceBoolOptionalWhether multiple options can be chosen as answer
quizBoolOptionalWhether this is a quiz (with wrong and correct answers, results shown in the return type)
questionTextWithEntitiesYesThe question of the poll (only Premium users can use custom emoji entities here).
answersArray of PollAnswerYesThe possible answers, vote using messages.sendVote.
close_periodintOptionalAmount of time in seconds the poll will be active after creation, 5-600. Can’t be used together with close_date.
close_dateintOptionalPoint in time (Unix timestamp) when the poll will be automatically closed. Must be at least 5 and no more than 600 seconds in the future; can’t be used together with close_period.

Type: Poll


$poll = ['_' => 'poll', 'id' => long, 'closed' => Bool, 'public_voters' => Bool, 'multiple_choice' => Bool, 'quiz' => Bool, 'question' => TextWithEntities, 'answers' => [PollAnswer, PollAnswer], 'close_period' => int, 'close_date' => int];