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Constructor: phoneCallRequested

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Requested phone call


videoBoolOptionalWhether this is a video call
idlongYesPhone call ID
access_hashlongYesAccess hash
dateintYesWhen was the phone call created
admin_idlongYesID of the creator of the phone call
participant_idlongYesID of the other participant of the phone call
g_a_hashbytesYesParameter for key exchange
protocolPhoneCallProtocolYesCall protocol info to be passed to libtgvoip

Type: PhoneCall


$phoneCallRequested = ['_' => 'phoneCallRequested', 'video' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => long, 'participant_id' => long, 'g_a_hash' => 'bytes', 'protocol' => PhoneCallProtocol];