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Constructor: messages.votesList

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How users voted in a poll


countintYesTotal number of votes for all options (or only for the chosen option, if provided to messages.getPollVotes)
votesArray of MessagePeerVoteYesVote info for each user
chatsArray of ChatYesMentioned chats
usersArray of UserYesInfo about users that voted in the poll
next_offsetstringOptionalOffset to use with the next messages.getPollVotes request, empty string if no more results are available.

Type: messages.VotesList


$messages_votesList = ['_' => 'messages.votesList', 'count' => int, 'votes' => [MessagePeerVote, MessagePeerVote], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User], 'next_offset' => 'string'];