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Constructor: messages.preparedInlineMessage

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Represents a prepared inline message received via a bot’s mini app, that can be sent to some chats »


query_idlongYesThe query_id to pass to messages.sendInlineBotResult
resultBotInlineResultYesThe contents of the message, to be shown in a preview
peer_typesArray of InlineQueryPeerTypeYesTypes of chats where this message can be sent
cache_timeintYesCaching validity of the results
usersArray of UserYesUsers mentioned in the results

Type: messages.PreparedInlineMessage


$messages_preparedInlineMessage = ['_' => 'messages.preparedInlineMessage', 'query_id' => long, 'result' => BotInlineResult, 'peer_types' => [InlineQueryPeerType, InlineQueryPeerType], 'cache_time' => int, 'users' => [User, User]];