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Constructor: messages.botResults

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Result of a query to an inline bot


galleryBoolOptionalWhether the result is a picture gallery
query_idlongYesQuery ID
next_offsetstringOptionalThe next offset to use when navigating through results
switch_pmInlineBotSwitchPMOptionalShown as a button on top of the remaining inline result list; if clicked, redirects the user to a private chat with the bot with the specified start parameter.
switch_webviewInlineBotWebViewOptionalShown as a button on top of the remaining inline result list; if clicked, opens the specified inline mode mini app.
resultsArray of BotInlineResultYesThe results
cache_timeintYesCaching validity of the results
usersArray of UserYesUsers mentioned in the results

Type: messages.BotResults


$messages_botResults = ['_' => 'messages.botResults', 'gallery' => Bool, 'query_id' => long, 'next_offset' => 'string', 'switch_pm' => InlineBotSwitchPM, 'switch_webview' => InlineBotWebView, 'results' => [BotInlineResult, BotInlineResult], 'cache_time' => int, 'users' => [User, User]];