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Constructor: messageReplyHeader

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Message replies and thread information


reply_to_scheduledBoolOptionalThis is a reply to a scheduled message.
forum_topicBoolOptionalWhether this message was sent in a forum topic (except for the General topic).
quoteBoolOptionalWhether this message is quoting a part of another message.
reply_to_msg_idintOptionalID of message to which this message is replying
reply_to_peer_idPeerOptionalFor replies sent in channel discussion threads of which the current user is not a member, the discussion group ID
reply_fromMessageFwdHeaderOptionalWhen replying to a message sent by a certain peer to another chat, contains info about the peer that originally sent the message to that other chat.
reply_mediaMessageMediaOptionalWhen replying to a media sent by a certain peer to another chat, contains the media of the replied-to message.
reply_to_top_idintOptionalID of the message that started this message thread
quote_textstringOptionalUsed to quote-reply to only a certain section (specified here) of the original message.
quote_entitiesArray of MessageEntityOptionalMessage entities for styled text from the quote_text field.
quote_offsetintOptionalOffset of the message quote_text within the original message (in UTF-16 code units).

Type: MessageReplyHeader


$messageReplyHeader = ['_' => 'messageReplyHeader', 'reply_to_scheduled' => Bool, 'forum_topic' => Bool, 'quote' => Bool, 'reply_to_msg_id' => int, 'reply_to_peer_id' => Peer, 'reply_from' => MessageFwdHeader, 'reply_media' => MessageMedia, 'reply_to_top_id' => int, 'quote_text' => 'string', 'quote_entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity], 'quote_offset' => int];