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Constructor: messageReplies

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Info about the comment section of a channel post, or a simple message thread


commentsBoolOptionalWhether this constructor contains information about the comment section of a channel post, or a simple message thread
repliesintYesContains the total number of replies in this thread or comment section.
replies_ptsintYesPTS of the message that started this thread.
recent_repliersArray of PeerOptionalFor channel post comments, contains information about the last few comment posters for a specific thread, to show a small list of commenter profile pictures in client previews.
channel_idlongOptionalFor channel post comments, contains the ID of the associated discussion supergroup
max_idintOptionalID of the latest message in this thread or comment section.
read_max_idintOptionalContains the ID of the latest read message in this thread or comment section.

Type: MessageReplies


$messageReplies = ['_' => 'messageReplies', 'comments' => Bool, 'replies' => int, 'replies_pts' => int, 'recent_repliers' => [Peer, Peer], 'channel_id' => long, 'max_id' => int, 'read_max_id' => int];