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Constructor: messageReactor

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Info about a user in the paid Star reactions leaderboard for a message.


topBoolOptionalIf set, the reactor is one of the most active reactors; may be unset if the reactor is the current user.
myBoolOptionalIf set, this reactor is the current user.
anonymousBoolOptionalIf set, the reactor is anonymous.
peer_idPeerOptionalIdentifier of the peer that reacted: may be unset for anonymous reactors different from the current user (i.e. if the current user sent an anonymous reaction anonymous will be set but this field will also be set).
countintYesThe number of sent Telegram Stars.

Type: MessageReactor


$messageReactor = ['_' => 'messageReactor', 'top' => Bool, 'my' => Bool, 'anonymous' => Bool, 'peer_id' => Peer, 'count' => int];