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Constructor: messageMediaGiveawayResults

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A giveaway with public winners has finished, this constructor contains info about the winners.


only_new_subscribersBoolOptionalIf set, only new subscribers starting from the giveaway creation date participated in the giveaway.
refundedBoolOptionalIf set, the giveaway was canceled and was fully refunded.
channel_idlongYesID of the channel/supergroup that was automatically boosted by the winners of the giveaway for duration of the Premium subscription.
additional_peers_countintOptionalNumber of other channels that participated in the giveaway.
launch_msg_idintYesIdentifier of the message with the giveaway in channel_id.
winners_countintYesTotal number of winners in the giveaway.
unclaimed_countintYesNumber of not-yet-claimed prizes.
winnersArray of longYesUp to 100 user identifiers of the winners of the giveaway.
monthsintOptionalDuration in months of each Telegram Premium subscription in the giveaway.
starslongOptionalFor Telegram Star giveaways, the total number of Telegram Stars being given away.
prize_descriptionstringOptionalCan contain a textual description of additional giveaway prizes.
until_dateintYesPoint in time (Unix timestamp) when the winners were selected. May be bigger than winners selection date specified in initial parameters of the giveaway.

Type: MessageMedia


$messageMediaGiveawayResults = ['_' => 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', 'only_new_subscribers' => Bool, 'refunded' => Bool, 'channel_id' => long, 'additional_peers_count' => int, 'launch_msg_id' => int, 'winners_count' => int, 'unclaimed_count' => int, 'winners' => [long, long], 'months' => int, 'stars' => long, 'prize_description' => 'string', 'until_date' => int];