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Constructor: messageMediaGiveawayResults

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A giveaway with public winners has finished, this constructor contains info about the winners.


only_new_subscribersBoolOptionalIf set, only new subscribers starting from the giveaway creation date participated in the giveaway.
refundedBoolOptionalIf set, the giveaway was canceled and was fully refunded.
channel_idlongYesID of the channel that was automatically boosted by the winners of the giveaway for duration of the Premium subscription.
additional_peers_countintOptionalNumber of other channels that participated in the giveaway.
launch_msg_idintYesIdentifier of the message with the giveaway in channel_id.
winners_countintYesTotal number of winners in the giveaway.
unclaimed_countintYesNumber of not-yet-claimed prizes.
winnersArray of longYesUp to 100 user identifiers of the winners of the giveaway.
monthsintYesDuration in months of each Telegram Premium subscription in the giveaway.
prize_descriptionstringOptionalCan contain a textual description of additional giveaway prizes.
until_dateintYesPoint in time (Unix timestamp) when the winners were selected. May be bigger than winners selection date specified in initial parameters of the giveaway.

Type: MessageMedia


$messageMediaGiveawayResults = ['_' => 'messageMediaGiveawayResults', 'only_new_subscribers' => Bool, 'refunded' => Bool, 'channel_id' => long, 'additional_peers_count' => int, 'launch_msg_id' => int, 'winners_count' => int, 'unclaimed_count' => int, 'winners' => [long, long], 'months' => int, 'prize_description' => 'string', 'until_date' => int];