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Constructor: messageActionSetMessagesTTL

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The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed.


periodintYesNew Time-To-Live of all messages sent in this chat; if 0, autodeletion was disabled.
auto_setting_fromlongOptionalIf set, the chat TTL setting was set not due to a manual change by one of participants, but automatically because one of the participants has the default TTL settings enabled ». For example, when a user writes to us for the first time and we have set a default messages TTL of 1 week, this service message (with auto_setting_from=our_userid) will be emitted before our first message.

Type: MessageAction


$messageActionSetMessagesTTL = ['_' => 'messageActionSetMessagesTTL', 'period' => int, 'auto_setting_from' => long];