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Constructor: inputThemeSettings

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Theme settings


message_colors_animatedBoolOptionalIf set, the freeform gradient fill needs to be animated on every sent message
base_themeBaseThemeYesDefault theme on which this theme is based
accent_colorintYesAccent color, ARGB format
outbox_accent_colorintOptionalAccent color of outgoing messages in ARGB format
message_colorsArray of intOptionalThe fill to be used as a background for outgoing messages, in RGB24 format.
If just one or two equal colors are provided, describes a solid fill of a background.
If two different colors are provided, describes the top and bottom colors of a 0-degree gradient.
If three or four colors are provided, describes a freeform gradient fill of a background.
wallpaperInputWallPaperOptionalinputWallPaper or inputWallPaperSlug when passing wallpaper files for image or pattern wallpapers, inputWallPaperNoFile with id=0 otherwise.
wallpaper_settingsWallPaperSettingsOptionalWallpaper settings.

Type: InputThemeSettings


$inputThemeSettings = ['_' => 'inputThemeSettings', 'message_colors_animated' => Bool, 'base_theme' => BaseTheme, 'accent_color' => int, 'outbox_accent_color' => int, 'message_colors' => [int, int], 'wallpaper' => InputWallPaper, 'wallpaper_settings' => WallPaperSettings];