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Constructor: inputBusinessAwayMessage

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Describes a Telegram Business away message, automatically sent to users writing to us when we’re offline, during closing hours, while we’re on vacation, or in some other custom time period when we cannot immediately answer to the user.


offline_onlyBoolOptionalIf set, the messages will not be sent if the account was online in the last 10 minutes.
shortcut_idintYesID of a quick reply shorcut, containing the away messages to send, see here » for more info.
scheduleBusinessAwayMessageScheduleYesSpecifies when should the away messages be sent.
recipientsInputBusinessRecipientsYesAllowed recipients for the away messages.

Type: InputBusinessAwayMessage


$inputBusinessAwayMessage = ['_' => 'inputBusinessAwayMessage', 'offline_only' => Bool, 'shortcut_id' => int, 'schedule' => BusinessAwayMessageSchedule, 'recipients' => InputBusinessRecipients];