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Constructor: dialogFilter

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Dialog filter AKA folder


contactsBoolOptionalWhether to include all contacts in this folder
non_contactsBoolOptionalWhether to include all non-contacts in this folder
groupsBoolOptionalWhether to include all groups in this folder
broadcastsBoolOptionalWhether to include all channels in this folder
botsBoolOptionalWhether to include all bots in this folder
exclude_mutedBoolOptionalWhether to exclude muted chats from this folder
exclude_readBoolOptionalWhether to exclude read chats from this folder
exclude_archivedBoolOptionalWhether to exclude archived chats from this folder
idintYesFolder ID
emoticonstringOptionalEmoji to use as icon for the folder.
colorintOptionalA color ID for the folder tag associated to this folder, see here » for more info.
pinned_peersArray of InputPeerYesPinned chats, folders can have unlimited pinned chats
include_peersArray of InputPeerYesInclude the following chats in this folder
exclude_peersArray of InputPeerYesExclude the following chats from this folder

Type: DialogFilter


$dialogFilter = ['_' => 'dialogFilter', 'contacts' => Bool, 'non_contacts' => Bool, 'groups' => Bool, 'broadcasts' => Bool, 'bots' => Bool, 'exclude_muted' => Bool, 'exclude_read' => Bool, 'exclude_archived' => Bool, 'title_noanimate' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'title' => TextWithEntities, 'emoticon' => 'string', 'color' => int, 'pinned_peers' => [InputPeer, InputPeer], 'include_peers' => [InputPeer, InputPeer], 'exclude_peers' => [InputPeer, InputPeer]];