Constructor: chatInvite
Chat invite info
Name | Type | Required | Description |
channel | Bool | Optional | Whether this is a channel/supergroup or a normal group |
broadcast | Bool | Optional | Whether this is a channel |
public | Bool | Optional | Whether this is a public channel/supergroup |
megagroup | Bool | Optional | Whether this is a supergroup |
request_needed | Bool | Optional | Whether the join request » must be first approved by an administrator |
verified | Bool | Optional | Is this chat or channel verified by Telegram? |
scam | Bool | Optional | This chat is probably a scam |
fake | Bool | Optional | If set, this chat was reported by many users as a fake or scam: be careful when interacting with it. |
can_refulfill_subscription | Bool | Optional | If set, indicates that the user has already paid for the associated Telegram Star subscriptions » and it hasn’t expired yet, so they may re-join the channel using messages.importChatInvite without repeating the payment. |
title | string | Yes | Chat/supergroup/channel title |
about | string | Optional | Description of the group of channel |
photo | Photo | Optional | Chat/supergroup/channel photo |
participants_count | int | Yes | Participant count |
participants | Array of User | Optional | A few of the participants that are in the group |
color | int | Yes | Profile color palette ID |
subscription_pricing | StarsSubscriptionPricing | Optional | For Telegram Star subscriptions », contains the pricing of the subscription the user must activate to join the private channel. |
subscription_form_id | long | Optional | For Telegram Star subscriptions », the ID of the payment form for the subscription. |
bot_verification | BotVerification | Optional |
Type: ChatInvite
$chatInvite = ['_' => 'chatInvite', 'channel' => Bool, 'broadcast' => Bool, 'public' => Bool, 'megagroup' => Bool, 'request_needed' => Bool, 'verified' => Bool, 'scam' => Bool, 'fake' => Bool, 'can_refulfill_subscription' => Bool, 'title' => 'string', 'about' => 'string', 'photo' => Photo, 'participants_count' => int, 'participants' => [User, User], 'color' => int, 'subscription_pricing' => StarsSubscriptionPricing, 'subscription_form_id' => long, 'bot_verification' => BotVerification];