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Constructor: chat

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Info about a group.

When updating the local peer database, all fields from the newly received constructor take priority over the old constructor cached locally (including by removing fields that aren’t set in the new constructor).

See here » for an implementation of the logic to use when updating the local user peer database.


creatorBoolOptionalWhether the current user is the creator of the group
leftBoolOptionalWhether the current user has left the group
deactivatedBoolOptionalWhether the group was migrated
call_activeBoolOptionalWhether a group call is currently active
call_not_emptyBoolOptionalWhether there’s anyone in the group call
noforwardsBoolOptionalWhether this group is protected, thus does not allow forwarding messages from it
idlongYesID of the group, see here » for more info
photoChatPhotoOptionalChat photo
participants_countintYesParticipant count
dateintYesDate of creation of the group
versionintYesUsed in basic groups to reorder updates and make sure that all of them were received.
migrated_toInputChannelOptionalMeans this chat was upgraded to a supergroup
admin_rightsChatAdminRightsOptionalAdmin rights of the user in the group
default_banned_rightsChatBannedRightsOptionalDefault banned rights of all users in the group

Type: Chat


$chat = ['_' => 'chat', 'creator' => Bool, 'left' => Bool, 'deactivated' => Bool, 'call_active' => Bool, 'call_not_empty' => Bool, 'noforwards' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'title' => 'string', 'photo' => ChatPhoto, 'participants_count' => int, 'date' => int, 'version' => int, 'migrated_to' => InputChannel, 'admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, 'default_banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights];