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Constructor: businessWorkHours

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Specifies a set of Telegram Business opening hours.


open_nowBoolOptionalIgnored if set while invoking account.updateBusinessWorkHours, only returned by the server in userFull.business_work_hours, indicating whether the business is currently open according to the current time and the values in weekly_open and timezone.
timezone_idstringYesAn ID of one of the timezones returned by help.getTimezonesList.
The timezone ID is contained, a human-readable, localized name of the timezone is available in and the timezone.utc_offset field contains the UTC offset in seconds, which may be displayed in hh:mm format by the client together with the human-readable name (i.e. $name UTC -01:00).
weekly_openArray of BusinessWeeklyOpenYesA list of time intervals (max 28) represented by businessWeeklyOpen », indicating the opening hours of their business.

Type: BusinessWorkHours


$businessWorkHours = ['_' => 'businessWorkHours', 'open_now' => Bool, 'timezone_id' => 'string', 'weekly_open' => [BusinessWeeklyOpen, BusinessWeeklyOpen]];