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Constructor: broadcastRevenueTransactionWithdrawal

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Describes a withdrawal of ad earnings »


pendingBoolOptionalWhether the withdrawal is currently pending
failedBoolOptionalWhether the withdrawal has failed
amountlongYesAmount withdrawn
dateintYesWithdrawal date
providerstringYesPayment provider name
transaction_dateintOptionalIf neither pending nor failed are set, the transaction was completed successfully, and this field will contain the point in time (Unix timestamp) when the withdrawal was completed successfully.
transaction_urlstringOptionalIf neither pending nor failed are set, the transaction was completed successfully, and this field will contain a URL where the withdrawal transaction can be viewed.

Type: BroadcastRevenueTransaction


$broadcastRevenueTransactionWithdrawal = ['_' => 'broadcastRevenueTransactionWithdrawal', 'pending' => Bool, 'failed' => Bool, 'amount' => long, 'date' => int, 'provider' => 'string', 'transaction_date' => int, 'transaction_url' => 'string'];