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Constructor: webPageAttributeStickerSet

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Contains info about a stickerset », for a webPage preview of a stickerset deep link » (the webPage will have a type of telegram_stickerset).


emojisBoolOptionalWhether this i s a custom emoji stickerset.
text_colorBoolOptionalWhether the color of this TGS custom emoji stickerset should be changed to the text color when used in messages, the accent color if used as emoji status, white on chat photos, or another appropriate color based on context.
stickersArray of DocumentYesA subset of the stickerset in the stickerset.

Type: WebPageAttribute


$webPageAttributeStickerSet = ['_' => 'webPageAttributeStickerSet', 'emojis' => Bool, 'text_color' => Bool, 'stickers' => [Document, Document]];