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Constructor: updates.difference

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Full list of occurred events.


new_messagesArray of MessageYesList of new messages
new_encrypted_messagesArray of EncryptedMessageYesList of new encrypted secret chat messages
other_updatesArray of UpdateYesList of updates
chatsArray of ChatYesList of chats mentioned in events
usersArray of UserYesList of users mentioned in events
stateupdates.StateYesCurrent state

Type: updates.Difference


$updates_difference = ['_' => 'updates.difference', 'new_messages' => [Message, Message], 'new_encrypted_messages' => [EncryptedMessage, EncryptedMessage], 'other_updates' => [Update, Update], 'chats' => [Chat, Chat], 'users' => [User, User], 'state' => updates.State];