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Constructor: stats.broadcastRevenueStats

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Channel revenue ad statistics, see here » for more info.

Note that all balances and currency amounts and graph values are in the smallest unit of the chosen cryptocurrency (currently nanotons for TONs, so to obtain a value in USD divide the chosen amount by 10^9, and then divide by usd_rate).


top_hours_graphStatsGraphYesAd impressions graph
revenue_graphStatsGraphYesAd revenue graph (in the smallest unit of the cryptocurrency in which revenue is calculated)
balancesBroadcastRevenueBalancesYesCurrent balance, current withdrawable balance and overall revenue
usd_ratedoubleYesCurrent conversion rate of the cryptocurrency (not in the smallest unit) in which revenue is calculated to USD

Type: stats.BroadcastRevenueStats


$stats_broadcastRevenueStats = ['_' => 'stats.broadcastRevenueStats', 'top_hours_graph' => StatsGraph, 'revenue_graph' => StatsGraph, 'balances' => BroadcastRevenueBalances, 'usd_rate' => double];