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Constructor: requestPeerTypeChat

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Choose a chat or supergroup


creatorBoolOptionalWhether to allow only choosing chats or supergroups that were created by the current user.
bot_participantBoolOptionalWhether to allow only choosing chats or supergroups where the bot is a participant.
has_usernameBoolOptionalIf specified, allows only choosing channels with or without a username, according to the value of Bool.
forumBoolOptionalIf specified, allows only choosing chats or supergroups that are or aren’t forums, according to the value of Bool.
user_admin_rightsChatAdminRightsOptionalIf specified, allows only choosing chats or supergroups where the current user is an admin with at least the specified admin rights.
bot_admin_rightsChatAdminRightsOptionalIf specified, allows only choosing chats or supergroups where the bot is an admin with at least the specified admin rights.

Type: RequestPeerType


$requestPeerTypeChat = ['_' => 'requestPeerTypeChat', 'creator' => Bool, 'bot_participant' => Bool, 'has_username' => Bool, 'forum' => Bool, 'user_admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, 'bot_admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights];