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Constructor: premium.boostsStatus

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Contains info about the current boost status of a peer.


my_boostBoolOptionalWhether we’re currently boosting this channel/supergroup, my_boost_slots will also be set.
levelintYesThe current boost level of the channel/supergroup.
current_level_boostsintYesThe number of boosts acquired so far in the current level.
boostsintYesTotal number of boosts acquired so far.
gift_boostsintOptionalThe number of boosts acquired from created Telegram Premium gift codes and giveaways; only returned to channel/supergroup admins.
next_level_boostsintOptionalTotal number of boosts needed to reach the next level; if absent, the next level isn’t available.
premium_audienceStatsPercentValueOptionalOnly returned to channel/supergroup admins: contains the approximated number of Premium users subscribed to the channel/supergroup, related to the total number of subscribers.
boost_urlstringYesBoost deep link » that can be used to boost the chat.
prepaid_giveawaysArray of PrepaidGiveawayOptionalA list of prepaid giveaways available for the chat; only returned to channel/supergroup admins.
my_boost_slotsArray of intOptionalIndicates which of our boost slots we’ve assigned to this peer (populated if my_boost is set).

Type: premium.BoostsStatus


$premium_boostsStatus = ['_' => 'premium.boostsStatus', 'my_boost' => Bool, 'level' => int, 'current_level_boosts' => int, 'boosts' => int, 'gift_boosts' => int, 'next_level_boosts' => int, 'premium_audience' => StatsPercentValue, 'boost_url' => 'string', 'prepaid_giveaways' => [PrepaidGiveaway, PrepaidGiveaway], 'my_boost_slots' => [int, int]];