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Constructor: messageMediaDocument

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Document (video, audio, voice, sticker, any media type except photo)


nopremiumBoolOptionalWhether this is a normal sticker, if not set this is a premium sticker and a premium sticker animation must be played.
spoilerBoolOptionalWhether this media should be hidden behind a spoiler warning
videoBoolOptionalWhether this is a video.
roundBoolOptionalWhether this is a round video.
voiceBoolOptionalWhether this is a voice message.
documentDocumentOptionalAttached document
alt_documentsArray of DocumentOptionalVideos only, contains alternative qualities of the video.
ttl_secondsintOptionalTime to live of self-destructing document

Type: MessageMedia


$messageMediaDocument = ['_' => 'messageMediaDocument', 'nopremium' => Bool, 'spoiler' => Bool, 'video' => Bool, 'round' => Bool, 'voice' => Bool, 'document' => Document, 'alt_documents' => [Document, Document], 'video_cover' => Photo, 'video_timestamp' => int, 'ttl_seconds' => int];