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Constructor: messageActionPrizeStars

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You won some Telegram Stars in a Telegram Star giveaway ».


unclaimedBoolOptionalIf set, this indicates the reverse transaction that refunds the remaining stars to the creator of a giveaway if, when the giveaway ends, the number of members in the channel is smaller than the number of winners in the giveaway.
starslongYesThe number of Telegram Stars you won
transaction_idstringYesID of the telegram star transaction.
boost_peerPeerYesIdentifier of the peer that was automatically boosted by the winners of the giveaway.
giveaway_msg_idintYesID of the message containing the messageMediaGiveaway

Type: MessageAction


$messageActionPrizeStars = ['_' => 'messageActionPrizeStars', 'unclaimed' => Bool, 'stars' => long, 'transaction_id' => 'string', 'boost_peer' => Peer, 'giveaway_msg_id' => int];