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Constructor: mediaAreaCoordinates

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Coordinates and size of a clicable rectangular area on top of a story.


xdoubleYesThe abscissa of the rectangle’s center, as a percentage of the media width (0-100).
ydoubleYesThe ordinate of the rectangle’s center, as a percentage of the media height (0-100).
wdoubleYesThe width of the rectangle, as a percentage of the media width (0-100).
hdoubleYesThe height of the rectangle, as a percentage of the media height (0-100).
rotationdoubleYesClockwise rotation angle of the rectangle, in degrees (0-360).
radiusdoubleOptionalThe radius of the rectangle corner rounding, as a percentage of the media width.

Type: MediaAreaCoordinates


$mediaAreaCoordinates = ['_' => 'mediaAreaCoordinates', 'x' => double, 'y' => double, 'w' => double, 'h' => double, 'rotation' => double, 'radius' => double];