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Constructor: inputPeerNotifySettings

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Notification settings.


show_previewsBoolOptionalIf the text of the message shall be displayed in notification
silentBoolOptionalPeer was muted?
mute_untilintOptionalDate until which all notifications shall be switched off
soundNotificationSoundOptionalIdentifier of an audio file to play for notifications.
stories_mutedBoolOptionalWhether story notifications should be disabled.
stories_hide_senderBoolOptionalWhether the sender name should be displayed in story notifications.
stories_soundNotificationSoundOptionalIdentifier of an audio file to play for story notifications.

Type: InputPeerNotifySettings


$inputPeerNotifySettings = ['_' => 'inputPeerNotifySettings', 'show_previews' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'mute_until' => int, 'sound' => NotificationSound, 'stories_muted' => Bool, 'stories_hide_sender' => Bool, 'stories_sound' => NotificationSound];