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Constructor: inputInvoicePremiumGiftCode

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Used if the user wishes to start a channel/supergroup giveaway or send some giftcodes to members of a channel/supergroup, in exchange for boosts.


purposeInputStorePaymentPurposeYesShould be populated with inputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway for giveaways and inputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode for gifts.
optionPremiumGiftCodeOptionYesShould be populated with one of the giveaway options returned by payments.getPremiumGiftCodeOptions, see the giveaways » documentation for more info.

Type: InputInvoice


$inputInvoicePremiumGiftCode = ['_' => 'inputInvoicePremiumGiftCode', 'purpose' => InputStorePaymentPurpose, 'option' => PremiumGiftCodeOption];