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Constructor: help.premiumPromo

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Telegram Premium promotion information

Note that the video_sections+videos fields are a list of videos, and the corresponding premium feature identifiers.
They’re equivalent to a section => video dictionary, with keys from video_section and values from videos.
The keys in video_sections correspond to a specific feature identifier, and the associated promotional video should be shown when the associated feature row is clicked.


status_textstringYesDescription of the current state of the user’s Telegram Premium subscription
status_entitiesArray of MessageEntityYesMessage entities for styled text
video_sectionsArray of stringYesA list of premium feature identifiers », associated to each video
videosArray of DocumentYesA list of videos
period_optionsArray of PremiumSubscriptionOptionYesTelegram Premium subscription options
usersArray of UserYesRelated user information

Type: help.PremiumPromo


$help_premiumPromo = ['_' => 'help.premiumPromo', 'status_text' => 'string', 'status_entities' => [MessageEntity, MessageEntity], 'video_sections' => ['string', 'string'], 'videos' => [Document, Document], 'period_options' => [PremiumSubscriptionOption, PremiumSubscriptionOption], 'users' => [User, User]];