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Constructor: connectedBotStarRef

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Info about an active affiliate program we have with a Mini App


revokedBoolOptionalIf set, this affiliation was revoked by the affiliate using payments.editConnectedStarRefBot, or by the affiliation program owner using bots.updateStarRefProgram
urlstringYesReferral link to be shared
dateintYesWhen did we affiliate with bot_id
bot_idlongYesID of the mini app that created the affiliate program
commission_permilleintYesThe number of Telegram Stars received by the affiliate for each 1000 Telegram Stars received by bot_id
duration_monthsintOptionalNumber of months the program will be active; if not set, there is no expiration date.
participantslongYesThe number of users that used the affiliate program
revenuelongYesThe number of Telegram Stars that were earned by the affiliate program

Type: ConnectedBotStarRef


$connectedBotStarRef = ['_' => 'connectedBotStarRef', 'revoked' => Bool, 'url' => 'string', 'date' => int, 'bot_id' => long, 'commission_permille' => int, 'duration_months' => int, 'participants' => long, 'revenue' => long];