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Constructor: broadcastRevenueBalances

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Describes channel ad revenue balances ».

Note that all balances are in the smallest unit of the chosen cryptocurrency (currently nanotons for TONs, so to obtain a value in USD divide the chosen amount by 10^9, and then divide by usd_rate).


withdrawal_enabledBoolOptionalIf set, the available balance can be withdrawn ».
current_balancelongYesAmount of not-yet-withdrawn cryptocurrency.
available_balancelongYesAmount of withdrawable cryptocurrency, out of the currently available balance (available_balance <= current_balance).
overall_revenuelongYesTotal amount of earned cryptocurrency.

Type: BroadcastRevenueBalances


$broadcastRevenueBalances = ['_' => 'broadcastRevenueBalances', 'withdrawal_enabled' => Bool, 'current_balance' => long, 'available_balance' => long, 'overall_revenue' => long];