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Constructor: boost

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Info about one or more boosts applied by a specific user.


giftBoolOptionalWhether this boost was applied because the channel/supergroup directly gifted a subscription to the user.
giveawayBoolOptionalWhether this boost was applied because the user was chosen in a giveaway started by the channel/supergroup.
unclaimedBoolOptionalIf set, the user hasn’t yet invoked payments.applyGiftCode to claim a subscription gifted directly or in a giveaway by the channel.
idstringYesUnique ID for this set of boosts.
user_idlongOptionalID of the user that applied the boost.
giveaway_msg_idintOptionalThe message ID of the giveaway
dateintYesWhen was the boost applied
expiresintYesWhen does the boost expire
used_gift_slugstringOptionalThe created Telegram Premium gift code, only set if either gift or giveaway are set AND it is either a gift code for the currently logged in user or if it was already claimed.
multiplierintOptionalIf set, this boost counts as multiplier boosts, otherwise it counts as a single boost.
starslongOptionalNumber of Telegram Stars distributed among the winners of the giveaway.

Type: Boost


$boost = ['_' => 'boost', 'gift' => Bool, 'giveaway' => Bool, 'unclaimed' => Bool, 'id' => 'string', 'user_id' => long, 'giveaway_msg_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'expires' => int, 'used_gift_slug' => 'string', 'multiplier' => int, 'stars' => long];