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Constructor: availableEffect

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Represents a message effect ».

All long IDs except for id are document.ids from the containing messages.availableEffects constructor.

See here » for more info on how to use following fields.


premium_requiredBoolOptionalWhether a Premium subscription is required to use this effect.
idlongYesUnique effect ID.
emoticonstringYesEmoji corresponding to the effect, to be used as icon for the effect if static_icon_id is not set.
static_icon_idlongOptionalID of the document containing the static icon (WEBP) of the effect.
effect_sticker_idlongYesContains the preview animation (TGS format »), used for the effect selection menu.
effect_animation_idlongOptionalIf set, contains the actual animated effect (TGS format »). If not set, the animated effect must be set equal to the premium animated sticker effect associated to the animated sticker specified in effect_sticker_id (always different from the preview animation, fetched thanks to the videoSize of type f as specified here »).

Type: AvailableEffect


$availableEffect = ['_' => 'availableEffect', 'premium_required' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'emoticon' => 'string', 'static_icon_id' => long, 'effect_sticker_id' => long, 'effect_animation_id' => long];