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Constructor: auth.authorization

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Contains user authorization info.


setup_password_requiredBoolOptionalSuggests the user to set up a 2-step verification password to be able to log in again
otherwise_relogin_daysintOptionalIff setup_password_required is set and the user declines to set a 2-step verification password, they will be able to log into their account via SMS again only after this many days pass.
tmp_sessionsintOptionalTemporary passport sessions
future_auth_tokenbytesOptionalA future auth token
userUserOptionalInfo on authorized user

Type: auth.Authorization


$auth_authorization = ['_' => 'auth.authorization', 'setup_password_required' => Bool, 'otherwise_relogin_days' => int, 'tmp_sessions' => int, 'future_auth_token' => 'bytes', 'user' => User];