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Constructor: updateBusinessBotCallbackQuery

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A callback button sent via a business connection was pressed, and the button data was sent to the bot that created the button.


query_idlongYesQuery ID
user_idlongYesID of the user that pressed the button
connection_idstringYesBusiness connection ID
messageMessageOptionalMessage that contains the keyboard (also contains info about the chat where the message was sent).
reply_to_messageMessageOptionalThe message that message is replying to.
chat_instancelongYesGlobal identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat to which the message with the callback button was sent. Useful for high scores in games.
databytesOptionalCallback data

Type: Update


$updateBusinessBotCallbackQuery = ['_' => 'updateBusinessBotCallbackQuery', 'query_id' => long, 'user_id' => long, 'connection_id' => 'string', 'message' => Message, 'reply_to_message' => Message, 'chat_instance' => long, 'data' => 'bytes'];