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Constructor: codeSettings

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Settings used by telegram servers for sending the confirm code.

Example implementations: telegram for android, tdlib.


allow_flashcallBoolOptionalWhether to allow phone verification via phone calls.
current_numberBoolOptionalPass true if the phone number is used on the current device. Ignored if allow_flashcall is not set.
allow_app_hashBoolOptionalIf a token that will be included in eventually sent SMSs is required: required in newer versions of android, to use the android SMS receiver APIs
allow_missed_callBoolOptionalWhether this device supports receiving the code using the auth.codeTypeMissedCall method
allow_firebaseBoolOptionalWhether Firebase auth is supported
unknown_numberBoolOptionalSet this flag if there is a SIM card in the current device, but it is not possible to check whether the specified phone number matches the SIM’s phone number.
logout_tokensArray of bytesOptionalPreviously stored future auth tokens, see the documentation for more info »
tokenstringOptionalUsed only by official iOS apps for Firebase auth: device token for apple push.
app_sandboxBoolOptionalUsed only by official iOS apps for firebase auth: whether a sandbox-certificate will be used during transmission of the push notification.

Type: CodeSettings


$codeSettings = ['_' => 'codeSettings', 'allow_flashcall' => Bool, 'current_number' => Bool, 'allow_app_hash' => Bool, 'allow_missed_call' => Bool, 'allow_firebase' => Bool, 'unknown_number' => Bool, 'logout_tokens' => ['bytes', 'bytes'], 'token' => 'string', 'app_sandbox' => Bool];