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Constructor: updateBotMessageReaction

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Bots only: a user has changed their reactions on a message with public reactions.


peerlongYesPeer of the reacted-to message.
msg_idintYesID of the reacted-to message.
dateintYesDate of the change.
actorPeerYesThe user that (un)reacted to the message.
old_reactionsArray of ReactionYesOld reactions
new_reactionsArray of ReactionYesNew reactions
qtsintYesQTS event sequence identifier

Type: Update


$updateBotMessageReaction = ['_' => 'updateBotMessageReaction', 'peer' => long, 'msg_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'actor' => Peer, 'old_reactions' => [Reaction, Reaction], 'new_reactions' => [Reaction, Reaction], 'qts' => int];